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Template:H:h Before commiting to a change, one should test it first.


[edit] Changes to a page

There is a preview button near the submit button. One should check to make sure that the links are correct and the spelling is correct

[edit] Spelling appears to have a spelling checker in their modified version of MediaWiki, one can use Konqueror or Firefox with a spelling check extension to check spelling within the browser window.

[edit] Testing features of existing software on one of the regular projects

This applies anyway for tests that depend on settings which are different per project, such as:

It can be done:

  • in special pages such as PyroGuide:Sandbox
  • on user pages and subpages
  • using Preview - this can not be used to test how a change in a page affects another page, such as when changing a template; when used to test automatic conversion of wikitext it only shows the rendered webpage, not the new wikitext itself, except for automatic conversion of special characters to their decimal numeric codes.

A test involving variable {{PAGENAME}}, e.g. a link to an image or another page with a name containing {{PAGENAME}}, can be done on the Talk page, since the value of the variable is the same on that page.

Sysops testing the available links and how things work for ordinary logged-in users can log in under another name, or in a project for which they are not a sysop.

[edit] Test wiki

An advantage is that is does not interfere with, or clutter, the regular projects. The project may be reset, or history may otherwise be lost, so one has to save elsewhere what one wants to keep.

[edit] See also


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